Thursday, January 6, 2011

Don't Call It A Comeback

Seriously. Don't call it a comeback. I had to really be here to be able to comeback. As you can see from my last post, it has been almost 3 years since my last post. Back then I had dreams of gradually winning enough money playing small stakes poker to being able to go to Vegas and play in one World Series of Poker event, and somehow coming back with something to show for it. As it always does, mainly because I am a bad poker player, it never panned out and I just gave up on the poker blog.

Then my good friend John started a new blog the other day, and it moved me. I am by no means a good writer at all. Far from it. But I usually have a million things on my mind, and nowhere to really outlet those thoughts. I work from home, so I don't interact face-to-face with people very much. When I talk to someone from work, it is about work. I have my family, but there are some things you can't talk about around the children, and there are some things that your spouse is not very interested in talking about. And even other times, there are things you want to talk about with other people for various opinions. I abandoned Facebook a long time ago, and there is only so much you can say in 140 words or less. So here I am. I am back.

My wife has no idea I am doing this blog at all. She hates social networking and everyone knowing our business. She does not want me to post pics of the kids on the web, and she has never been to Facebook or Twitter, and just does not have a use for it. I basically quit Facebook because she was really concerned about privacy. And to be quite honest, Facebook had lost its luster a long time ago. I was intrigued by Twitter because it was so simple, so I switched and have really enjoyed it. All that said, she probably would not be thrilled about what I am about to post, but for my own sake I need to do it.

My wife is having surgery later this afternoon. It is supposed to be a very simple surgery for a non-critical problem she is having, but this problem did land us in the emergency room last Friday, and I know it is bothering her. It is an outpatient procedure, but will require her to be put under anesthesia. I know in my heart of hearts that nothing bad is going to happen. I guess I have heard too many horror stories of how seemingly simple surgeries have turned into disasters, and not enough of the overwhelmingly more stories of how everything turned out just fine. But I love my wife more than I could ever express in words, and I guess the husband in me is worried sick about something happening to her. But the husband I am cannot show this fear at all, as I just want to be the rock she needs me to be right now. I know she is worried too, even though she is not showing it. So for her, I will never let her know what I am feeling right now, for her sake. But for my sake, I needed to outlet this now. Thank God for the internet!

For those of you who happen upon this blog, don't bother reading the older posts unless you just absolutely like to bore yourself with stories from a poker junkie. I am not sure I will even go back and look at them, but I have left them here to remind myself what I was, and to show myself what I have become. I have a lot left to do around this big rock of ours, and I will blog more about my ambitions and thoughts on the world in future posts. But for now, I am signing off so I can go be the best husband I can be for my wife today. Have a great day everyone.

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