Friday, December 14, 2007

Classic Tony G

For some odd reason I like Tony G. I guess it is like admiring someone who acts the complete opposite of what you do. Those that know me know that for the most part I keep my mouth shut at the poker table, at least when it comes to trash talk. There are plenty of others who like to do it and do it well. Not something I am very good at, so I don't really try it at all.

Tony G is the complete opposite. The admiration he flows upon himself at the poker table would make Phil Hellmuth blush with embarrassment. So why do I like Tony G more than Hellmuth? Mainly because I think Tony G is an actor at the table, and Phil Hellmuth really believes eveything he is saying. I am sure Tony G does to an extent as well, but after reading this months article on Tony G in Bluff, I really believe he is probably a fun guy to be around... away from the table. As a matter of fact, he pulled a Greenstein recently and donated a $205K win at the Moscow Millions to be given to the orphanages there in Russia. I don't care how rich you are - $205K is a lot of money to donate.

Nevertheless, the one thing you remember about Tony G is what he does on the table. One of the items they discuss in detail in the article is his tirade against Ralph Perry at the Intercontinental Poker Championship that was aired on CBS earlier this year. I have put the YouTube clip on here for your enjoyment.

And speaking of Hellmuth, I could not believe I got this footage of him playing online poker. Amazing.


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