Friday, December 14, 2007

You Think That Was a Bad Beat...

I thought I would end my Friday on the computer by linking some of my favorite bad beat (or just plain rough beat) videos on here for your perusal for reminiscing.

Video #1

This one is just sick, although not really a "bad beat". I want you to just think for a second about this one. Yes, two aces flop. But can you really, honestly ever think that your opponent has AT there? You almost praying he has AK or AQ there (which AQ would have been disasterous, too, but what else would you put him on to make you think he would call an all-in bet? Sammy made it 1300, and the raise is 8250 more. Part of that is Oliver not being a very good poker player - about the only way he calls that is if he has exactly what he has. Even with AK or AQ he probably folds that early. I guess - but no matter how you stack it, you know that after the turn and the river the money would have gotten all-in either way. Just brutal.

Video #2

This is just fun to watch. Cold Deck Hell right here.

Video #3

The classic Hansen vs. Negreanu High Stakes Poker hand. Unreal considering how much money was on the line.

Video #4

The best part about this is the meltdown D'Agostino had after the hand was over. Then, the very next hand, he gets dealt pocket K's when he is all-in for the ante, and loses then too. Classic Dags!!!!

Video #5

Nothing like having someone hit a 2-outer on the river to get eliminated from a WPT Final table? It would not have mattered if the turn had not paired the board, either, since he would have then hit a one-outer on the river. Sick.

Have a good weekend everyone.


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