Thursday, December 20, 2007

I am a Donk

Plain and simple, the last two days have been a complete clusterfuck.

I am down $299 with only a $26 token to show for it. I have played bad, then tried to play bigger to make up. I play good but get sucked out on, and that ends up with the same result as if I played bad, except for more money. I play in the $17,500 Guarantee this afternoon and actually cash, but it was completely disappointing. I was Top 5 in chips right before we hit the money (933 players and it paid 90 players), but I donk off chips, and then end up all-in with KT suited when someone behind me yet to act had AK. Game over - out in 53rd. I know now that if I had been more patient I could have moved much further up the money ladder, and that my aggressiveness was poorly timed and gave me no real chance to steal/win chips, but every chance to piss them away. So I kind of made some progress, but not nearly what I should have made.

So then I decided to play the Razz tourney tonight, paying full price. I was making great reads - but you know what happens when you have a great draw and know your opponent has a weak hand? You still need a hit a hand to win, because by the time you reach 7th there is so much money in the pot that the player is going nowhere. It was a just gnarly tourney.

Then I played in a $11 Knockout 90-person SNG. What can I say? I have been absolutely destroyed before in tournaments, but I have never felt more deflated after a tournament than I did after this tournament.

Six hands later:

Very next hand:

End of tourney. I had doubled up early on in the tourney when one player donk went all in with Top Pair on the turn when I turned a flush. But he had 100 more chips than me, so someone else ended up with that bounty. AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I end the night by losing a $26 buy-in $75 token tourney, and then winning a $26 token.

So I am so screwed on my goals right now. Just like Shaun mentions in his blog, I am thinking I need to take a break. At least online. Play some live games over the next couple of weeks, and get my mind straight before I head to Tunica the second week of January. When I get back, then I will start thinking about June and the WSOP. But I can tell you, unless I get myself straight, and do so soon, I have no business being out in Vegas for anything at all. Period. Anyway - my Road to Event 26 is taking a detour after this disastrous past couple of days, and we shall see if I hop back on that road soon or not. I am on vacation for work the next week and a half, so I am sure that I will probably end up playing some online simply because I will not be able to control myself not to. But I need to reflect on my game a little bit and see where it takes me. Maybe the best thing to do is just stop playing completely and focus on other things in my life. I just don't know. What I do know is that I need to win my Fantasy Football league bad now. Go Brady!!! Go Pats Defense. Shut those Dolphins out!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Dawgfan98 said...

Don't sweat it Steak. You'll have that bankroll built up in no time. Shoot...I bet you have enough for two people to go to the WSOP in June. By the way, I don't have any plans this summer! Hahaha.